About Yanda


Make your brand stand out with designs from out of this world. I help brands stand out in a crowded digital universe while doing what I love.

The Designed by Yanda Story 

Hi. I'm Yanda. The website and graphic designer around here. I have been making websites since 9th grade. It was merely a hobby for me until recently. 

As a blogger at dasouth.co.za, I often have a lot of people ask me about making their own websites. More often than not, they come back and they want me to do it for them instead. I assume they realize that dealing with research, coding, copywriting, SEO, UX-designing and all the other technical stuff that goes into making the ideal website can be daunting.

This is how the idea of freelancing as a web designer back in 2021 was born. See, right then I realized that a lot of small business owners, aspiring artists and other creatives needed websites to interact with their respective audiences.

So in June, 2022, I transformed my freelance venture into a little business and I named it Crimson Websites and Graphics. I have, however, rebranded to Designed by Yanda. I even took a business refresher course as a "let's get down to business" ritual.

How do graphics come in? Well, all the beautiful websites out there have beautiful graphics incorporated in them. These are your logos, favicons, banners, infographics, etc. Graphics are mandatory in websites because they play a critical role in expressing ideas and creating visual appeal. Graphics, however, are not only for websites and they are just as important for other media.

When you get your website designed by me, you don't need to worry about graphics and stock images to go with your website. You are covered at no additional cost. However, if you need graphics outside of the website packages I offer, there are graphics packages available. 


My mission is simple. I want to help small business owners, aspiring artists and other creatives enhance their brands with my expertise and creativity.