10 Business Ideas to Try In 2024

We are just kicking off 2024, the world is rapidly changing, and so are the opportunities for entrepreneurs. With the rise of technology and the changing consumer landscape, there has never been a better time to start a business.

A lot of us are venturing into business and there are countless possibilities to explore. In this article, I will explore 10 business ideas that are worth considering in this year and probably the next. From e-commerce platforms to virtual event planning, these ideas offer great potential for success.

So, without further ado, let's dive in and explore some exciting business ideas that could help you start your entrepreneurial journey in 2024!

Social Media Management 

Many businesses (artists and other popular figures too) struggle with managing their social media accounts effectively. If you have experience in social media marketing, consider offering your services as a social media manager. Don't think you have what it takes to become a social media manager? There are tons of short and easy online courses out there that can help you get started. There's over 2000 free social media management courses on Udemy alone, there's even more on the internet of things if you know where to look.

E-commerce Platform

Starting an online store has never been easier, thanks to platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce. If you feel like selling stuff online, consider setting up an e-commerce website site that specializes in a specific niche or product line. You can sell anything online with this setup. However, you might have to spend a few good bucks to get started. If you're not a very good web designer and programmer, you might have to hire someone to do it for you and they can be costly. Or, you can sign up for Shopify and the likes, they can charge you anything from $25 to a few thousands per month. Convert that to rands, then you know what's up. But you know what they say, you have to lose money to make money. Nevertheless, people are shifting to buying things online and they could be buying from you.

Subscription Box Service

Subscription boxes have become increasingly popular over the past few years. This is a type of business where your clients or customers pay a monthly fee to have a service or product delivered to them. Launching a monthly subscription box service that caters to a specific market can be a profitable venture.

The Plant Box: A subscription service that caters to plant lovers. Each month, subscribers receive a carefully selected houseplant along with care instructions and plant-related accessories.

To get started you can either set it up on your website or sign up for subscription box platform like Subscriptionbay.

Online Course Creation

With the rise of remote learning, there is a growing demand for online courses. There are courses on almost anything these days. Consider creating an online course on a topic you're knowledgeable in and market it to your target audience. You can sell courses on platforms like Udemy, Coursera and SkillShare. You can also look at Amazon's services for selling books, audiobooks and direct videos.

Influencer Marketing Agency

Businesses are starting to add more human factor to their marketing strategies. To do this, they often rely on modeling agencies, celebrities and, yes, influencers. In fact, influencer marketing has become a highly effective way for businesses to reach their target audience. Consider starting an agency that connects businesses with influencers in their industry.

If a whole agency seems a little far fetched for you, try becoming an influencer yourself, it can be profitable. This is actually easy when you have a good following and popularity on social media. 

Virtual Event Planning

When COVID-19 hit, most of the world was forced to move to the online world - including events. The world is still moving online. As more events move online, there is a growing demand for virtual event planning services. Consider starting an agency that specializes in planning, managing and executing virtual events.

Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing is essential for businesses looking to succeed in today's digital world. It deals with advertising and marketing through digital channels. You might want to consider starting a digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of services, including SEO, PPC, and social media marketing.

Businesses outsource their marketing to agencies all the time. If you love business and marketing, you might to start this kind of agency.

Health and Wellness Coaching

The health and wellness industry is booming, and there is a growing demand for health and wellness coaches. You might want to become a certified health and wellness coach and start offering your services to individuals and businesses. Heck, you can even start a YouTube channel to earn extra money advertising and subscription revenue. 

Home Cleaning and Organization Services

With busy lifestyles, many people are willing to pay for cleaning and organization services. You could start a home cleaning and organization service that caters to busy individuals and families.

Sustainable and Organic Products

There is growing concern for the environment, and inevitably, a demand for sustainable products. Consider starting a business that creates and sells sustainable products, such as eco-friendly cleaning supplies, reusable bags and houseware, and sustainable clothing.

People are tired of processed and engineered food. There is a huge market for fresh and organic foods waiting for business-minded people like you.

And, Of Course, Selling a Product

Well, this is actually the eleventh business idea. I figured this is probably the first money making idea anyone thinks of. So... Selling a product still remains a viable and relatively straightforward business model. You just need the right product and the right method to sell. You can sell in your garage, rent a space, go door to door, and online through your website and other "e-commerce" platforms (Shopify, Esty, Amazon, etc).


I think these are solid ideas if you're willing to put in the hard work. It won't be easy. If it was, anyone would have their own business, right? I wrote these just to give you an idea and maybe some inspiration. Please do thorough research on whatever you end up trying to do, and have your target market, budget, marketing and competition figured out.

Already have a business idea? Read: I Have a Business Idea, Now What?

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